Applying to college is a process that weighs heavy on the shoulders of high school students everywhere in the United States. It seems agonizing, tedious, boring, and at times, quite honestly, [...]
During a impassioned and desperate conversation with a close teammate about why we’re twenty and single, I clumsily babbled off my favorite quote by Jaime Gil de Biedma, “I believed that I wanted [...]
Two decades later: haven’t grown into nose, still grasping outwards with child-hands, still sleep with baby blanket. But, damn, it feels good to be out of my teens. Twenty: an impressive [...]
Happiness is an elusive term, but it is generally characterized by a positive well-being, contentment, long-lasting enjoyment, and freedom from suffering. Many have tried (and continue to try) to [...]
It is estimated that the average person will spend about five years of their lifetime waiting in lines. Aside from sleep, work and our daily routines, a good portion of our lives is spent [...]
Especially for those of us still measuring our lives in terms of the academic calendar, there is certain scent of renewal in the September air. Labor Day weekend is unanimously classified as the [...]
In this day and age, it can be rather challenging for most of us to go an hour, let alone ten minutes, without checking our phones, email or Facebook. It is not new knowledge that technology [...]
It’s that time of year again. The duffle bags are stuffed to over-capacity, the family van is filled to the point of invisibility, and shopping carts are filled with hundreds of dollars of school [...]
I began distance running during the early months of 2014 on a treadmill at my college gym because I was experiencing, what I coin, “my first grown-up heartbreak”. In shabby workout shorts and an [...]