The beginning of junior year of high school was one of the hardest few months of my life. In this time I lost focus of who I was, what I needed, and what made me happy. Like most working people, [...]
Nothing turns me on quiet like shared music taste. Nothing so devouring, so hot with sex(ual tension), nothing quiet as appealing. Nothing says ‘marry me’ quite like a mixtape exchange. Nothing [...]
As a senior in high school I’ve found that I have a lot of time to look back and reflect on the choices that I made in the past. As I await the news of my college application, I think about my [...]
It begins your Junior Year of college: Single Shaming. It’s that time when your relationship status is no longer a silly Facebook indicator or a reason bragging rights or a show of ‘how much ass’ [...]
I vividly remember the feeling of emptiness when I was sick. I recall feeling weak, fragile, and helpless. I could barely walk, I felt so broken and malnourished. There was something wrong with [...]
Tragedy. trag\e\dy n. : a very bad event that causes great sadness and often involves someone’s death It is something that all people want to avoid. We don’t want to think about it. We [...]
Applying to college is a process that weighs heavy on the shoulders of high school students everywhere in the United States. It seems agonizing, tedious, boring, and at times, quite honestly, [...]
During a impassioned and desperate conversation with a close teammate about why we’re twenty and single, I clumsily babbled off my favorite quote by Jaime Gil de Biedma, “I believed that I wanted [...]
Two decades later: haven’t grown into nose, still grasping outwards with child-hands, still sleep with baby blanket. But, damn, it feels good to be out of my teens. Twenty: an impressive [...]